
Laila Mattie entered the world on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 12:54 pm. She was 7 lbs 2 oz, 20.5 inches long.
She was born at 38 weeks 5 days. My contractions started at work on Monday and progressed through the
night. We headed to the hospital at 4:00 am on Tuesday once the contractions were consistent and 4 minutes
apart. After walking the halls for two hours, I was admitted and everything progressed quickly from there.
The labor progressed so quickly there was no time for an epidural, so our baby girl came sans medicine.

She looks just like her big brother and has many behavioral similarities. She could care less about having
a dirty diaper, but don't mess with her when she is hungry. She only cries for food, and has even mastered
the finger pointing to her mouth to show us where to insert said food. Overall, she is a pretty laid back
baby! She loves to listen and look around when Will walks into the room - must be something about his little
voice. He loves to kiss her on the forehead and sing to her, but he was a little perplexed at first at how
small she was, like he was expecting her to come out sitting up and talking like "Boss Baby".

We are very happy our family is now complete and feel so lucky to have the most perfect rainbow baby!