After leaving the state fair, we ventured next door to King's Dominion to check out their
Halloween Haunt. There were some scary sights, and Will was a little apprehensive about
some of the characters walking around Planet Snoopy. He was excited when he got to enter
the pumpkin area, and he set out to find the perfect "ball". He had a hard time finding
just the right one because the stems were in the way. The only ones he actually picked
up were upside down, and there was some disappointment when he found the stem on the other
side. After finding the perfect "ball" we sat him down for some photos. He quickly turned
over his little "ball" with his sights set on a much larger one. We gave each of his rides a
spin, before exploring more scary sights. We also made a quick stop for Will's first taste of
cotton candy. There were lots of empty huts and empty coffins around, clearly ready for creepy
occupants once the sun went down. We headed out just as the sun was setting and before
the really scary creatures came out! Not sure Will is ready for all of that excitement
just yet! It was a fun, but very long day and it is safe to say that Will thoroughly enjoyed himself!