top 5


[ Of course, playing in the dirt is his favorite pastime, and I loved the light this morning! ]

[ Gotta love his little sneaky face stealing my sweet tea! ]

[ Now, this is pure excitement! ]

[ I just love his sweet little face here! ]

[ I mean... who doesn't love a sleeping toddler!?! ]

[ This smile will never cease to melt my heart right into a puddle! ]

Okay, so, I narrowed it down as much as I could, but still ended up with six. These are my
favorite photos of my big boy! I cannot believe that he is almost two, and realized going
through my photos just how fast time is flying by. These posts always give me the opportunity
to peek back a little into my photos, and it is amazing how much things change from month to month!

Time, please slow down...

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Ashley Sisk said...

I still can't believe how big he's gotten. Time really flies doesn't it. I'm not sure I'm ready for my little one to be a toddler any time soon.

Sarah Halstead said...

Great shots! He is so adorable!! I love numbers 3 & 5. Love sleeping toddlers.