nine months



getting a little antsy, and keeping it real
one last shot


My Will,

You have now been in my arms for longer than you were in my belly. You are such a ham, flashing
your grin and showing off all four teeth. You love to have all eyes on you. You are such a little flirt
capturing the attention of all the ladies around. Everyone loves your thick curls. You love to shake
your head no and clap at the same time, then stop to make sure everyone is watching. You clap
for the doggies and squeal when they come around. You love to pet them when they are within
your reach. You are still ticklish all over, and curl up in a little ball when a tickle-fest begins. You
are crawling everywhere and are into everything. You are now standing with your butt off the
ground, and slowly pulling yourself up on furniture. You shake your head no and say "yeah, yeah,
yeah" a split second later. You experienced the beach for the first time and immediately fell in love
with the sand.

Bedtime: 8:00 pm
Wake Up Time: 6:00 am
Naps: staggered throughout the day
Bottles: 10-12 ounces each feeding, oatmeal/rice cereal, fruits, veggies, puffs, teething cookies
Clothing: size 9-12 months (carter's)
Teeth: two bottom teeth, two top teeth

Can't wait to see what you do next!

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