2 month statistics:
- he weighs 13 lbs, 1 ounce - in the 90th percentile
- he is 23.25 inches in length - in the 50th percentile
- his head is 40 cm around - in the 50th percentile
- he has a minor umbilical hernia that should heal easily on it's own
- he is right on track with muscle development, arm and leg movement and strength, neck strength, eye contact/focus, and communication
- we need to work with him on following with his eyes - Right now he tends to blink rather than move his eyes with the object.
- he received a few vaccinations and cried harder than I have ever seen him - He has only actually cried 2 times out of being startled and was easily comforted with me cuddling him. Today he actually cried, couldn't catch his breath, and shed a tear. It was pitiful. It took a good 30 seconds to get him calmed down. Poor baby!